Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Whoever wins...

We lose. Australia loses. Democracy loses. Asylum seekers lose and they lose their lives and their family's lives, their hope and their freedom and their dignity. Hardly an original sentiment but a nice man did the photoshop for me:

The question then is what hay CAN we make. Elections force politics into the spotlight. Maybe we can change a few minds about asylum seekers. Maybe we can wake people up about climate change and gay marriage. Maybe we can chisel further into a balance of power to minor parties.

We win in tiny tiny increments. In blood-soaked, screaming increments, and they take everything we've got to get them, but if you can find them, they can stop you from going nuts or giving up. One day, we might just piss enough people off for the dam to burst and there will be real change. Until then, we keep woodpeckering away, beating our skulls against a gigantic brick wall...

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