Monday, August 16, 2010

Well, good on the church

Not everyone in the church is as mad as George Pell or as blind as the Pope. The Uniting Church in Australia has always been working hard to tear down the barriers between denominations and between the secular and the sacred. And the August issue of its internal newspaper looks at its relationship to politics. It includes an article which talks about the generally left-wing nature of the church, which has the wonderful quote:

"The damage to the credibility of the Christian Church by Family First Senator Steve Fielding is incalculable" - Dr John Harrison.

Poor bastards have to not only deal with Fielding's evil, but that he does it while wearing their colours.

It also closes with a statement from a Uniting Church member from Labor, the Libs, the Greens and Family First, where they explain why their political work is an expression of their faith. Props for them for showing that their church is a messy place filled with very different philosophies (and that even the general versions of those philosophies can lead to completely different politics), unlike Pell who demands all his sheep follow his politics word for word.

To paraphrase Scott Adams - I'm not anti-religion, I'm anti-idiot.

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