Monday, August 9, 2010

Bigotry First

Boy howdy does Family First hate teh gay. Wendy Francis went so far as to twitter that gay marriage is emotional child abuse. The hilarious thing is it caused so much outrage they took it down and blamed it on an intern - standard practice in politics these days (cf John McCain's website faux pas in 2008). Then Francis decided she didn't mean gay marriage was like child abuse, it was like kidnapping:

"In the situation that we're proposing here, we are saying that a child will be taken from its natural parent and it will be put in a situation where it is with two mothers or two fathers that is actually not possible to conceive that child.

"So I'm just asking the question... in 20 years time are we really going to be facing another Stolen Generation where this child has been taken from their parents and placed in another situation that was not of their choice?"

Do we start with the homophobia, the racism or the sheer insanity of babies choosing their parents?

We could just point out that in fact we have the science anyway, and it says over and over again that having two mummies or daddies actually improves a child's life. Said families create children who accept other viewpoints and make strong clear choices for themselves. Sorry Francis, the experiment's already been done and teh gay is not only non-toxic, it's PART OF THIS COMPLETE BREAKFAST.

The question is, why does Wendy Francis hate children and want to stunt their development and reduce their chance for success by forcing them to be raised by heterosexuals?

Actually, the real question is, how can we call this a civilised society and yet Wendy Francis is allowed to not be kicked to death by angry, vomiting yaks?


  1. One Nation, not to be outdone, also came out swinging, with a candidate saying homosexuals need rehab. On the plus side they're far less powerful than Fuckheads First.

  2. If it wasn't so funny, it'd be serious

  3. "We could just point out that in fact we have the science anyway..." Family First isn't interested in science. See also: Steve Fielding and climate change.
