Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tony, seriously, wtf is wrong with you?

I mean, I set aside this morning to do some non-election writing and you open your mouth and come out with this insane bullshit about being the man with the hand on the button to turn back the boats.

It's actually not unexpected - Tony has been playing the "Action Man" card since the moment he put on the budgie-smugglers and showed off his six-pack. Being a call away from the navy is totally part of his spin.

The really sad thing is selling Action Man means he needs an enemy, and he says shit like this:

"I think reopening Nauru would send an immediate signal to the people smugglers and their customers or potential customers that the game is up,"

There are no words for how evil that quote is. You just turned refugees into criminals, Tony, because it made you feel like a hard man. It points to not just aspirations to ascend over however big a pile of blood and torture it takes but that same kind of psychopathic sexual joy from inflicting pain that John Howard had. We really really need to stop electing sociopaths.

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