Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cardinal Pell hates the Greens

Sometimes I think there's nothing on earth more evil than John Howard, the man who liked to torture children just for the hard-on it gave him. Then I remember there's Cardinal Pell, a man of such cartoonish villainy that if you wrote him in fiction people wouldn't believe it.

I think what I hate most about Pell is he's so absolutely convinced of his power and his untouchability that he can be lazy in his evil. I mean, Wendy Francis hates the gays but she can't just come out and say it, she has to sit down for five minutes and pull an excuse out of her ass, something about how children without parents of both sexes will suffer. Something that looks vaguely sane and respectable. She can't get away with saying what she really thinks because then the diseased sickness she pretends is a working mind would be obvious to all.

Pell does though. Back in 2007 he told the world that Islam was a "violent, dangerous religion" that was Australia's enemy and John Howard was our holy soldier fighting against it. In the same article, he admitted he got this impression of Islam by "skimming over" a few pages of the Koran for "about half an hour".

Now he's decided that the Greens are Australia's enemy - being "anti-Christian" "stalinists" and sweet camoflauged poison" - because the Australian Christian Lobby sent them a voluntary survey and the Greens didn't volunteer to fill it out. Also they're a bunch of commies. For this reason, Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, urges the entire Catholic church not to vote for them.

For fuck's sake, it's 2010 and Pell is looking for reds under the bed. It's just not fucking funny any more, Pell. It's one thing to have the political arena filled with evil fuckers who want to fuck you with switchblades, but it's quite another to have to deal with someone who has all the mental sophistication of a two-year old AND wants to fuck you with switchblades.

Luckily, there's some dissention in the ranks, with some rational Catholics suggesting that maybe a Catholic bishop using his immense power to sway elections at the very least appears a bit fucking obvious. Meanwhile his position as Archbishop lasts for life, after which we can only pray God has mercy on his blood-stained soul.

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