Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wait a minute, your ideas are SILLY!

CNN interviewer points out to Terry Jones that he's being a BIG SILLY (and has blood on his hands) when he claims that burning the Koran is just a way to say no to radical Muslims and that moderate Muslims should be for them. Your grasp of semiotics is shithouse, Jones. Or maybe...you're just a racist fuck.

I mean, this is from the interview:

Pastor who wants to burn the Koran on 9-11:

"Our message is very clear," he said. "It is not to the moderate Muslim. Our message is not a message of hate. Our message is a message of warning to the radical element of Islam, and I think what we see right now around the globe provides exactly what we're talking about," he said.

And this is from your website, "Islam is of the Devil"

Pastor who wants to burn the Koran on 9-11:

"Any religion which would profess anything other than this truth is of the devil. This is why we also take a stand against Islam, which teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God, therefore taking away the saving power of Jesus Christ and leading people straight to Hell," the site says.

Also note that he begins his spiel by saying he's honouring the 9-11 dead. If you're gonna get your hate-erection on, please don't do it on the graves of the innocent.

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