Monday, September 20, 2010

Suicide in detention centre

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen says that despite pressure on the detention centres, they are "coping".

Except that yesterday a man was flagged as being suicidal, and nothing was done. When he climbed onto the roof this morning, nobody with any suicide training was called, resulting in people doing REALLY STUPID THINGS that didn't help. Not surprisingly, the desperate man jumped to his death.

Now the protest on the roof of the Villawood centre is going through the night.

This coming a few days after it was revealed that child sex abuse is happening in a WA centre.

No, Mr Bowen, the centres aren't coping. The centres are FAILING. The centres are cesspools of abuse, violence, sickness, despair and terrible management. Stop them right the fuck now before more of this happens.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a slightly longer - but just as pointed - piece by Pamela Carr on mandatory detention, over at the ABC Unleashed.
