Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sometimes, there's not enough hate in the world

At the back of my mind, I always knew the unions put a lot of pressure on the ALP, and that a lot of that pressure had to be based on private, personal interest. But you just hope, and believe, that most of the interest has to be for the benefit of the working man. Not random shit that's completely outside their remit, not to mention completely against the wishes and needs of the union's members. That would be deeply fucked up. Especially if they used the size and weight of their union to ensure their dick-flopping gets the most attention possible. That would be pretty immoral. That would be a complete betrayal of the members of that union, and a gigantic abuse of power.

But apparently, that's business as usual for Joe de Bruyn, a man who truly deserve to be raped to death with knives.

1 comment:

  1. Not to downplay de Bruyn's remarks, but this shouldn't come as a surprise. The SDA has a long history of being both conservative and (reportedly) not super-fantastic for its members.
