Tuesday, December 7, 2010

More wiki, less leaks

As in, what have we actually found out from this giant pile of stuff, rather than talking about if it is a crime? I admit, I'm as weak and lazy as the next man at sorting through giant dumps of information, and haven't been tracking a lot of it, but this wonderful site has synthesized some of the really important leaks.

Of course, it's still a lot of stuff, and that may be its own greatest weakness - you can't effect change without dominating a news cycle and you can't dominate a news cycle with a hundred facts a day. Not only does news not work like that, humans don't work like that...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Prime Minister suggests using army for defence, people are shocked

So Wikileaks has revealed that Kevin Rudd said to Hilary Clinton that everything possible should be done to get China to the table, but should "everything goes wrong" Australian should be "prepard to deploy force".

And there is a problem with this? I guess the Liberal solution to say, China starting World War 3, would be to not use force? To use knitting?